Pets & Strata
While council zoning and regulation dictate what types of animals can be kept in residential zoned areas, there are often grey areas when it comes to Owners Corporations and their applicable rules.
The residential landscape of Victoria is changing! With change comes adaptation and sometimes we find ourselves relocating, rehoming, or downsizing to homes which may not accommodate our furry, feathered, finned, and scaled friends as conveniently as our last home used to.
While council zoning and regulation dictate what types of animals can be kept in residential zoned areas, there are often grey areas when it comes to Owners Corporations and their applicable rules.
Many Owners Corporations and committees implement processes and guidelines for the keeping of animals to ensure any unreasonable impact on other residents is mitigated. These processes may include requesting details of the animals being kept (species, size, age) as well as contact information for the animals owner/keeper. In the vast majority of cases, this is done to ensure any complaints or issues that arise from the keeping of a pet can be identified and addressed quickly without the need to canvass all residents. It would serve as a relief to residents to know that their details are available if their beloved pet escapes and is found wandering in the gym or taking a ride in the elevator!
With the above noted, an Owners Corporation cannot impose unreasonable requirements on the keeping of pets within a private lot. Residents keeping animals are required to ensure the animal(s) do not present a danger or a nuisance to other residents, or to people required to use the common property.
When it comes to our 2 and 4 legged companions, we often forget that some behaviours we are acclimatised to or find endearing, may bother (or even terrify) others. A barking dog may not annoy you, but it could be the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard to someone else. You may not notice your dog or cat shedding, but to someone with allergies, this could be highly frustrating, and in some cases dangerous.
When considering moving into an OC, or considering adding an animal friend to your life, there are simple things you can do to ensure your “buddy” does not create problems for your neighbours:
- Always ensure your animals are leashed, secured, or crated when they are on common property and not allowed to wander freely or approach other residents.
- When leaving your animals on balconies or in courtyards for extended periods, make sure they are safe from harm, have enough water, shade, and enrichment to prevent them from creating excessive noise.
- When leaving your animals on balconies or in courtyards, check in with a neighbour regularly to find out if they tend to bark/cry/sing when you are gone.
- For animals that may be reactive, anxious, or scared, consider purchasing a bandana/leash/coat that notifies neighbours to give them space. Always be patient with others and advocate for your pets politely.
- Lastly, and most importantly….. ALWAYS CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PETS IMMEDIATELY! If one of your neighbours is keeping a llama on their balcony, best to give your strata manager a call to discuss the matter.
Romy Caddy – General Manager, Strata Resident, and Great Dane Owner